Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1994-2540 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1956 (Online)

следы на пулях

XI International conference on forensic study of weapons

The article provides an overview of the two-day sessions of the XI International Conference on Forensic Study of Weapons, which was held at Saratov State University on October 17–18, 2023. The conference was attended by ballistics and criminologists experts from Saratov, Moscow, Volgograd, Nizhny Novgorod, St. Petersburg, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Republic of Armenia, Sri Lanka, the United Arab Emirates, Israel, the Republic of Belarus. The conference has been held on the basis of Saratov State University since 2011.

Processing of Digital Images of Traces on Bullets for Automatic Identification of Firearms

Introduction. Identification of firearms by traces on the shot bullets is one of the most difficult tasks in the forensic ballistic examination. This is because the individual characteristics of weapons that appear on shot bullets have a high degree of variability. The currently used methods of automatic identification of firearms are ineffective when analysis is carried out on electronic bullet repository which includes tens of thousands of similar objects. Methods.

Methodical Problems of Criminalistics Research of Shooting-iron and Tracks of his Application

Introduction. Authentication of the threaded shooting-iron in modern practice of investigation of crime is an actual task, therefore search development of obschemedocheskikh bases of its decision creates a scientific prospect. Theoretical analysis. In the article, on the basis of tendency of the maximal use all represented possibilities of creation of single expert method of criminalistics research of the threaded shooting-iron and tracks of his application are considered in tracks of co-operation of the identification fields of the equated objects.

Method of the Binarization of Images of Traces on the Shot Bullets for the Automatic Assessment of Their Suitability to Identification of the Fierarms

Introduction. Nowadays, automatic identification of weapons on electronic databases involves the analysis thousands of images of similar tracks, including images which are not suitable for identification. It is necessary to exclude from the analysis traces not suitable for identification for reduction of volume of calculations and increase of their efficiency.

The Concept of Mathematical Model of the Assessment of Uniqueness of Sets of Coinciding Routes in Secondary Traces on the Shot Bullets

Introduction. The model of an assessment of probability of casual combination of sets of routes in secondary traces is considered in article. Development of quantitative criteria of justification of a categorical positive conclusion about criminalistic identity of the compared traces, and also algorithm of formation in the automatic mode of the priority list is the purpose of the conducted research. Theoretical part.

Problems of Ensuring Compliance of Technical Characteristics of Civil and Office Firearms to Criminalistic Requirements of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Introduction. Problematic issues of providing the criminalistic requirements of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia imposed to firearms are considered in work. A sometimes weapons does not provide formation on the shot bullets and cartridge cases of the traces suitable for identification. Absence of any standards or specifications on a roughness of a relief of surfaces of the details forming traces is to it the reason.

Compensation of Distortions on Digital Images of Traces of the Weapon on the Shot Bullets Caused by Curvature of the Studied Surface

Introduction. The purpose of work is: an assessment of distortions of images of traces on the shot bullets caused by curvature of the studied surface; working off of a technique of compensation of distortions. Theoretical analysis. Nodal point method was selected for the evaluation of image distortion and compensation. The method is based on the principle that each nodal point in the distorted image must comply with clearly known one anchor point to the undistorted image.

Possibility of Farearm Identification on Fired Bullets Traces after Thermal Influence

The experimental research of influence of thermal heating of a bullet on traces of cut fire-arms on its surface is spent. Influence of heating of a bullet on process of identification of the weapon is defined.

Regularuty of the Traces Formation on Bullets and Cartridge Cases Depending on the Technological Peculiarities of the Homemade Renovation of the Gas Gun of the Izhevsk’s Mechanical Plant

In work the basic ways of alteration of the gas weapon of the Izhevsk mechanical factory in fire are presented, laws of formation of traces on bullets and sleeves depending on technological features of alteration are defined. Are offered concrete technical-forensic to the recommendation about research of traces of manufacturing of the self-made weapon at carrying out of diagnostic and identification examinations.

Methods for Recognition of Weapons of Preliminary Work up Digital Images of Traces on Bullets and Cartridge Cases

In paper investigated methods to improve the quality of digital images of the firing pin traces and traces on fired bullets. Methods of comparison of firing pin traces by means of Euler’s characteristics and methods of comparison of traces on fired bullets by means of the correlation analysis have been considered. Analyzed the firing pin marks on the image cartridges, shot in the Makarov pistol and Colt mod. 1911, as well as marks on the bullets, shot from a Makarov pistol.
