Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1994-2540 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1956 (Online)

региональное развитие

Transformation of the Classical University in the National Research University: a Regional Perspective

In modern conditions of the economy one of the most promising ways of increasing the efficiency of the economic system is the creation of innovative socio-economic structures. Institutional forms of the organization of such structures are national research universities. Theoretical analysis. The article discusses the process of transforming traditional universities in national research universities.

The Approaches to the Analysis of the University Influence on Regional Development

The contribution of universities to the generation of innovation and knowledge transfer, the economic development of the region and the country at the regional level is seen as essential to innovation-based growth, so compiling the classification of the main approaches to the analysis is the actual impact. Theoretical analysis.

Mechanisms of Public-private Partnerships at the Regional Level

The article analyzes the functioning of public-private partnerships at the regional level. The main trends in this area are defined by their specific risks in Russia at the regional level. Theoretical analysis.

Regional Development in a Context of Reproductive Approach

In article the general characteristic of regional reproduction is given, its distinctive features and a place in system of public reproduction are shown. It is proved that realization reproductive process at regional level corresponds to market principles of the organization of the economy, expressed in an effective utilization of economic potential of national economy of Russia.

Economic Independence of Regions in System of Economic Relations

In given article economic independence of regions is presented as result of development of market relations, the role of economic inde‑ pendence in воспроизводственных processes at level of regions, in realization of intraregional and inter-regional economic communica‑ tions is shown. Factors and principles of development of economic independence of regions are besides considered.

University as a Driver of Economic Development of the Region: Challenges and Prospects

Introduction. Regional university can be considered one of the key elements for building a regional economic development strategy. This article is devoted to regional university’s long-term development in modern environment. Theoretical analysis. In the context of «triple helix model» the network nature of the interaction between the participants of the innovative process is especially important.
