Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1994-2540 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1956 (Online)

средства массовой информации

Essence of Freedom of Mass Information in the Constitutional Law of Russia and Germany

Introduction. Freedom of the media is one of the indicators of the level of development of democracy in a particular state, including the Russian Federation. In order to achieve a real democratic regime in modern Russia, the need for creation of an effective framework for the implementation of constitutional freedom of the media arises. However, despite the high importance of the unhindered circulation of information in society, the concept of media freedom is currently poorly developed in Russian legal science, in contrast to German legal thought.

Social media in the context of Russian and German Constitutional Law

Introduction. The role of social media is objectively increasing in modern digital information space. They are much involved in shaping public opinion while democracy and civil society are being built and developed. Social media also contribute to the freedom of speech guaranteed by the Constitution. In the context of globalization, the development of state legal regulation often turns to the implementation of the rules which have already been tested in other countries.

Development of Constitutional Principle of Inadmissibility of Censorship in the Russian Federation

The given article explores the history of emergence of the statement of inadmissibility of censorship first in laws of the press and mass media and later in the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Comparative analysis of prohibition of censorship in the constitutions of 12 countries formed within post soviet territory has been carried out. Prohibition of censorship is considered to be a guarantee of freedom of thought and speech, freedom of expression and belief, and a right of collection and dissemination of information.