Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1994-2540 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1956 (Online)


The Question of How Endogenous Growth Conditions and Criteria Modernization

Introduction. Food security in Russia, increasing the competitiveness of the Russian economy on the world market is now becoming a driver of economic growth. Theoretical analysis. The article analyzes the theories of economic growth. Formulated conditions, factors and assumptions of technological modernization of the economy. The principles of the impact on ekonomiku- 5I. Discussion of results. In the framework of the theory of endogenous growth models and existing approaches are organized into groups.

Quality of Investment as a Factor of Reproductive Potential and Competitiveness of the Region

Introduction. Further successful development of the Russian regions should be based on the strategy of modernization. Identification of the main problems of economic development of regions, especially investment, should be an important stage in the construction of this strategy.

Moral Component of Economic Consciousness and its Role in New Industrialization of Russia

Introduction. The maintenance of national security and the implementation of a strategic course for innovative development in conditions of economic sanctions by the Western countries and the need to raise the issue of new industrialization of import substitution (reindustializacii). Implementation of the strategy requires action on the reindustrialization of the financial resources of the innovation process, affecting the economic interests of the subjects, moral norms and the principles of economic consciousness. Methods.

Features of Structural and Technological Modernization of Industry in the Russian Federation

Introduction. The need for modernization is due to the achievement of the productivity limit within the existing technological order, as well as the systemic crisis of the Russian industry. Theoretical analysis.

V. N. Tatishchev: Prolegomena of the Russian modernization research program in the XVIII century (Institutional-evolutionary approach)

Introduction. V. N. Tatishchev, one of the founders of the Russian history studies, was notable for his broad views on the evolution of society and economic order. His economic views were not widely discussed during his lifetime and were not much in demand afterwards.

The place of the President of the Russian Federation in the constitutional system of public authority (In the light of the 2020 constitutional reform)

Introduction. The constitutional and legal characteristic of the status of any body begins with identifi cation of its place in the system of power. It is this element that is permanently (continuously, incessantly) in the focus of the study of presidential power. Theoretical analysis. It is noted that the next constitutional reform of the Russian statehood is determined by a certain stage in the transformation of the presidential power, namely its modernization, constitutionalization and, ultimately, institutionalization. Empirical analysis.

Economical Integration and Economical Growth: Interconnection and Interdependence of Processes

The article analyses the influence of integration on the economical growth and development of national economy, considers the interconnection of the system integration and sustained growth of economy. The article raises the problem of forming a highly functional structure of the Russian economy.

Рublic‑Private Partnership as the Important of Innovative Development of the Russian Economy

In article necessity of effective partnership of the state and private business in the conditions of formation of the Russian innovative sys‑ tem is considered. Its perspective directions in construction of socially focused market economy of innovative type are revealed.

Innovative Activity аs Legal Institution

In article modern problems of legal regulation of innovative activity in the Russian Federation are considered. The author proves the position according to which there are all necessary theoretical preconditions considering innovative activity as interbranch institution of the Russian law.

Interrelation Between Technical Requipment and Economic-Organizing Mechanism of Foreign Economic Activity

The present article is devoted to one of the most urgent items of the stat-of-the-art development of national (domestic) manufacture. The enterprises’ development results in many ways depend on the state of production facilities and rate of competitiveness in the external market. Beneficial effect is possible to be achieved only if sound and regular interaction between two directions of development, such as technical re-equipment and external economic space broadening, will be established.