Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1994-2540 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1956 (Online)


Platinum group metals sales process: Planning and optimization

Introduction. The development of methodological issues of optimizing the activities of mining and metallurgical companies and the sale of platinum group metals are highly relevant in the current market conditions due to sanctions restrictions and the severance of international economic ties. Theoretical analysis.

Сбыт металлов платиновой группы: планирование и оптимизация

Введение. В первой части работы раскрывается актуальность методических вопросов сбыта металлов платиновой группы, в частности, касающихся планирования и оптимизации сбыта. Отмечается высокая роль сбытового процесса в производственно-хозяйственной деятельности горно-металлургических компаний и ее влияние на их эффективность. С учетом действующих ограничений и давления, с которым столкнулись российские компании, назревает потребность в пересмотре действующих подходов к планированию. Теоретический анализ.

Planning of Regional Economic Systems on the Basis of Adaptation and Spatial Modelling

Introduction. Recognition not efficiency of regional plans and need of their continuous completion in real time becomes a consequence of tendencies of modern practice of regional government in aspect of justification, development and adoption of planned decisions on development of regional economic systems. Theoretical analysis.

The Improvement of Operational Planning Activities of Instrument-making Enterprise on the Basis of the Mathematical Interpretation of its Dynamics

Introduction. Despite the fact that the methodology of operational planning of industrial activities is a widely known and proven, there remains the problem of choosing the optimal length of the planning period, taking into account the system of factors affecting the activity of the enterprise. In article the author’s approach to the determination of the planning period, based on the mathematical interpretation of the dynamics of production and economic activity of the enterprise. Theoretical analysis.