Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1994-2540 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1956 (Online)



Решение задачи построения контрольно-кассовой деятельности на пригородных поездах, которая обеспечит высокий уровень охвата пассажиров на всем маршруте движения поезда, можно рассмотреть с точки зрения производительности труда контролеров. Пассажиры электропоезда представляют собой требования на обслуживание со стороны контролеров. Они поступают в вагоны поезда на остановках и покидают поезд независимо от того, обслужили их контролеры или нет. Этот процесс удобно описать с позиции теории массового обслуживания.

Control of Passengers in Commuter Train: the Intensity and Interest Coverage

Introduction. Solving the problem of building cash activity on commuter trains, which will provide a high level of coverage of passengers on all trains route, can be considered from the point of view of productivity of supervisors. Passengers trains represent the requirements for service on the part of supervisors. They come in a railroad train at stops and leave the train, serving their supervisors or not. This process is convenient to describe position of queueing theory. Theoretical analysis.

Increasing Enterprise Efficiency Through Outsourcing

Introduction. Crisis events in the economy, high competition in the market, annual increase in prices of material resources lead enterprises to seek ways to reduce the cost of products/services in order to increase efficiency. In most cases, when solving the MOB task (“make or buy”), the enterprise gets significant savings and competitive advantages in transferring, mainly non-core functions, to a third-party organization.