Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1994-2540 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1956 (Online)


«Dignity» and «legal status» categories as elements of fight against corruption

The paper provides a definition of dignity, its relation with legal categories, indicates the need to include dignity to the legal status of the person, which will strengthen the effect of the rules of professional ethical codes, and the need of increasing the impact of educational institutes on the formation of the concept of person’s dignity, which will lead to the formation of moral restrictions in the personality, and, consequently, to reduction of corruption crime.

Cash Economy and Its Influence on the Economical Safety of the Country

The article analyses cash economy and its influence on the economi‑ cal safety of the country. There are the characteristics of the notion «cash economy» in Russian and foreign literature. Special attention is given to the criminalization of economy and to the safety of Russia.

The Restrictions and the Bans Connected with Implementation of Powers of the Judge

Introduction. In article the requirements to judges and also to candidates for the judge’s position provided by the current legislation of the Russian Federation are considered. Similar requirements inherently represent the system of restrictions of constitutional rights of the person and citizen. Theoretical analysis.

Innovation immunity of Russian economy

Introduction. The article examines the general immunity of the Russian economy to innovation, which is inherent in it at the present stage. It is caused by a number of macro and microeconomic, as well as institutional factors. This was an important reason that did not allow us to achieve a number of ambitious economic goals set by the country’s leaders. Theoretical analysis.