Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1994-2540 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1956 (Online)

идентификация оружия

XI International conference on forensic study of weapons

The article provides an overview of the two-day sessions of the XI International Conference on Forensic Study of Weapons, which was held at Saratov State University on October 17–18, 2023. The conference was attended by ballistics and criminologists experts from Saratov, Moscow, Volgograd, Nizhny Novgorod, St. Petersburg, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Republic of Armenia, Sri Lanka, the United Arab Emirates, Israel, the Republic of Belarus. The conference has been held on the basis of Saratov State University since 2011.

Allocation of Individual Attributes on Digital Images of the Firing Pin Traces

Introduction. Automated ballistic identification systems allow automation of inspections by array firing pin traces containing thousands of similar objects. However, sometimes the system allow «mistakes», ie can not find ‘doubles’ trail in database. In addition, quite often «doubles» trail of test array is placed on the priority list is far from its beginning.

Use of the Cluster Analysis to Compare the Digital Images Traces of the Firing Pin

Introduction. One of the most important tasks of forensic ballistics examination is the identification of weapons from marks of the striker. This problem is usually associated with the searching for matching traces from cartridge case repository. Ballistic identification systems (such as POISC, TAIS, Condor, Arsenal and others) are used to help expert in such task. All of them use automatic algorithms for searching matching traces based on the calculation of the cross- correlation function.

Method of the Binarization of Images of Traces on the Shot Bullets for the Automatic Assessment of Their Suitability to Identification of the Fierarms

Introduction. Nowadays, automatic identification of weapons on electronic databases involves the analysis thousands of images of similar tracks, including images which are not suitable for identification. It is necessary to exclude from the analysis traces not suitable for identification for reduction of volume of calculations and increase of their efficiency.

The Concept of Mathematical Model of the Assessment of Uniqueness of Sets of Coinciding Routes in Secondary Traces on the Shot Bullets

Introduction. The model of an assessment of probability of casual combination of sets of routes in secondary traces is considered in article. Development of quantitative criteria of justification of a categorical positive conclusion about criminalistic identity of the compared traces, and also algorithm of formation in the automatic mode of the priority list is the purpose of the conducted research. Theoretical part.

The Comparison of Digital Images of Firing Pin with a Dominant Features in the Form of Circles and Arcs

Introduction. Development of the algorithms for the automatic comparison of the digital images of firing pin is an important task of the forensic examination. This task is aimed at improving the efficiency of crime investigation involving the use of firearms. In this paper images of firing pin with the features in the form of circles and arcs with single center are investigated.

Problems of Ensuring Compliance of Technical Characteristics of Civil and Office Firearms to Criminalistic Requirements of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Introduction. Problematic issues of providing the criminalistic requirements of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia imposed to firearms are considered in work. A sometimes weapons does not provide formation on the shot bullets and cartridge cases of the traces suitable for identification. Absence of any standards or specifications on a roughness of a relief of surfaces of the details forming traces is to it the reason.

The Method of the Estimation of Uniqueness of Route Complexes in Secondary Traces

Introduction. The existing criteria for the pairing of traces on shot bullets can not be considered satisfactory. They turn out to be too strict, or do not take into account the identifiable information about the structure of the coincident traces. Therefore, today expert makes categorical conclusion about the identity of the compared traces mainly on bases on his own experience without assessing the probability of a random realization of this event.

Influence of Inhomogeneities of the Surface of Caps on Variability of Static Firing Pin Traces

Introduction. One of the reasons for the variability of the firing pin traces is the gross inhomogeneity present on the surface of the capsules. The main types of not uniformity characteristic of a cap surface, and also their display in static traces are quickly investigated in this work. Experimental part. The surfaces of capsules of various cartridges of domestic and foreign production, as well as capsules “Zhevello” for hunting cartridges, were examined. The main types of inhomogeneities of the capsule surface are analyzed and classified.

A Probabilistic Assessment of the Complexes of Combined Traces in Secondary Tracks on Fired Bullets

Introduction. The paper analyzes the effectiveness of the application of the method of successively matching traces (CMS method) and the probabilistic method for substantiating the forensic identity of the overlapping secondary traces on fired bullets. Theoretical analysis. The theoretical foundations of the CMS method and the probabilistic method are considered. It is shown that the second method is formed on the basis of two mutually complementary probabilistic models.
