Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1994-2540 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1956 (Online)

модернизация экономики

Restrictions and Effects of Neoindustrial Moderni-Zatsii of the Industrial Enterprises in Russia

Introduction. In modern conditions the great value is got by neo-industrial modernization of economy of Russia. It is necessary to analyse problems, restrictions and effects of modernization. Relevance of research is defined by it. Theoretical analysis. Neoindustrialnny modernization is complex process of restructuring and creation of the integrated economy making competitive production. As its restrictions act: weakening of a role of the state in economy, inequality deepening, raw model of economy, corruption. Discussion of results.

Risks and Contradictions of Modernization in Modern Economy of Russia

Introduction: In modern conditions of great importance is the economic modernization of Russia. It is necessary to analyze the risks and contradictions of modernization. This determines the importance of research. Theoretical analysis. Modernization implies structural changes of the economy that produces competitive production. Its risks are: the economy’s dependence on the world market, the conflict of economic interests, the strain on the labour market, weakening role of the state in the economy, decrease motivation to work. Discussion.

Limitations of the Modernization of Russia’s Economic Development

Introduction. In modern conditions of great importance is the modernization of the Russian economy. It is necessary to analyze the limitations of modernization. This determines the relevance of the study. Theoretical analysis. Modernization involves the restructuring of the economy, producing competitive products. Its limitations are: ill-conceived economic policies, inflation, economic instability provoked by economic crisis, the weakening role of the state in the economy.

Modeling of Development of Investment Activity Economic Entities in the Modernization of the Modern Russia

Modernization of the economy is not just economic growth, but a new quality content of the process. Laying the foundations of renovation economy is impossible without investment processes, depending on the degree of intensity of the investment activity of all economic entities, but growing under different scenarios. Theoretical analysis.

Specific of the Neoindustrialization and Modernization of Russian Economy

Introduction: In modern conditions, modernization of the Russian economy is of great importance. For this, it is necessary to perform categorical analysis of the concepts of “modernization” and “neo-industrialization” and to show their relationship. This determines the relevance of this research. Results: Modernization is characterized as a transition stage from one state of a system to another one, higher and better. It is carried out on the basis of neo-industrialization.