Regional Innovative Agricultural Systems’ Investment Policy Improvement Directions
Introduction. In solving the problems of creating a highly productive export-oriented agricultural sector of the Russian economy, the most important role belongs to the development of investment activity. Theoretical analysis. The article discusses the theoretical and methodological aspects of the regional innovative agricultural systems’ investment policy formation. The need for a balanced investment policy in terms of resource provision at all stages of the innovation chain is scientifically justified. Empirical analysis. The analysis and evaluation of the agricultural production dynamics by industry, the food exports and imports dynamics, the analysis of the agricultural machinery market development and trends in agricultural production investment support are given. According to the results of empirical calculations, the disproportions in the investment support of production processes and the contribution of the agricultural industry to the gross value added are revealed. Results. The organizational and economic conditions for the regional innovative agricultural systems’ investment policy formation, methodological approaches to the advanced scientific and technological achievements’ market development on the basis of stimulating demand have been developed. The practical implementation of these proposals will be aimed at increasing the investment attractiveness of agriculture, increasing the investment activity of agro-industrial enterprises, attracting investment in priority areas of the agricultural economy development in accordance with the needs of the regions in the transition to the model of export-oriented agricultural economy.
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