Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Economics. Management. Law

ISSN 1994-2540 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1956 (Online)

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Constitutional legal regulation of the use of information technologies in the electoral process of the Russian Federation: Problems and prospects for development

Kondraschenko Daria A., Saratov State University

Introduction. Currently, information technologies occupy an important place in the life of every person and they are actively used in all spheres of the life of society and the state. The electoral process is one of the spheres of active use of the latest information technologies. Thus, in the elections and referenda Russia regularly uses electronic devices for voting, vote counting and data transfer within the system of election commissions, as well as means of video surveillance and broadcasting of images in the premises for voting. Theoretical analysis. Analyzing the legal basis for the use of information technologies in the electoral process of the Russian Federation, it should be noted that the importance of these technologies is emphasized in the latest edition of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. The electoral legislation of the Russian Federation is very large-scale and, in addition to the basic Federal Law “On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right to Participate in a Referendum of Citizens of the Russian Federation”, the organizational and legal features of the use of information technologies are regulated by a number of legal acts. Empirical analysis. Considering the fact that information technologies have been used in various forms in the Russian electoral process for a long time, their significant technical changes should be emphasized. The analysis of the various aspects of the use of these technologies has allowed to allocate their advantages and disadvantages. Results. The author identified the problems of legal regulation of stationary and remote electronic voting and also the problems of using video surveillance and image broadcasting, including on the Internet. The author also stresses the need to systematize the existing rules and fill existing legal gaps and, therefore, the proposals on regulation of the organizational and legal features of the use of these technologies in the Federal Law “On electronic voting in the Russian Federation”.

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