Regional Aspects of the State Support of Farms
The farming has the economic importance for development of rural territories therefore within an operating legal framework their priority for assistance of employment and growth of the income of country people, and also a role is fixed in preservation of a rural way of life of the population. Theoretical analysis. By state program edition for 2007–2012 it is defined that improvement of their resource providing, improvement of production infrastructure and improvement of sale of production, social arrangement of farms and others had to become the important directions of development of K(F)H. However during implementation of the program its shortcomings were shown, some vital issues didn’t find the reflection or got public and scientific approval. Today the state policy began to participate more actively in formation of agrarian infrastructure, business development in the village. The greatest recognition was gained by state support on reduction in cost of credit resources that, however doesn’t increase efficiency of use of budgetary funds and doesn’t attract forward development of farming. The called measures don’t create favorable conditions for reproduction of means as the unprofitable condition of many farms doesn’t allow them to use means of state support. Operating measures of direct state support assist in the majority to development of financial structures and small part of economically strong farms. Results. In agriculture many scientists connect economic growth with direct support of production which under laws of the WTO has the right to life only in a certain size, i.e. restructuring of measures of a yellow basket is necessary. To provide expanded reproduction of material resources, according to authors, it is necessary to coordinate existing standards of subsidies to labor productivity indicators in farms. Such standards will promote more effective use of means of support, will create equal conditions on their receiving to producers, will increase their competitiveness in the WTO market.
- Prikaz Ministerstva sel’skogo hozjajstva Penzenskoj oblasti ot 27 marta 2013 goda № 64 «Ob utverzhdenii stavok subsidij, predostavljaemyh v sootvetstvii s Porjadkom predostavlenija subsidij na vozmeshhenie chasti zatrat sel’skohozjajstvennyh tovaroproizvoditelej na 1 litr (kilogramm) realizovannogo tovarnogo moloka», utverzhdennogo postanovleniem Pravitel’stva Penzenskoj oblasti ot 15.03.2013 № 149-pP (The order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Penza region of March 27, 2013 № 64 «About the statement of rates of the subsidies provided according to Order of granting subsidies for compensation of part of expenses of agricultural producers on 1 liter (kilogram) of realized commodity milk», approved by the resolution of the government of the Penza region of 15.03.2013 № 149-pP). Available at: (accessed 19 July 2013).
- Prikaz Ministerstva sel’skogo hozjajstva Penzenskoj oblasti ot 22 marta 2013 goda № 62 «Ob utverzhdenii stavok i metodiki opredelenija stavok na 1 gektar posevnoj ploshhadi sel’skohozjajstvennyh kul’tur» (The order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Penza region of March 22, 2013 № 62 «About the statement of rates and techniques of defi nition of rates on 1 hectare of a cultivated area of crops»). Available at: (accessed 19 July 2013).
- Rasporjazhenie Pravitel’stva RF ot 08.05.2013 № 753-r «Nacional’nyj doklad o hode i rezul’tatah realizacii v 2012 godu Gosudarstvennoj programmy razvitija sel’skogo hozjajstva i regulirovanija rynkov sel’skohozjajstvennoj produkcii, syr’ja i prodovol’stvija na 2008–2012 gody» (The order of the Government of the Russian Federation of 08.05.2013 N 753-p «The national report on a course and results of realization in 2012 of the State program of development of agriculture and regulation of the markets of agricultural production, raw materials and the food for 2008–2012»). Available at:;n=556765;req=doc (accessed 23 June 2013).
- Samygin D. Yu. Podderzhka sel’skogo hozjajstva po pravilam VTO: regional’nyj aspekt [Agriculture support by WTO rules: regional aspect]. Jekonomika sel’skogo hozjajstva Rossii [Rural economics of Russia], 2012, no. 8, pp. 27–34.