On the infl uence of “tales” on the economics methodology formation and their use in the teaching process (Part I)
Introduction. This article is a justification of the possibility of using tales to popularize economics, economic history and the history of economic thought. Theoretical analysis. The historiographic review showed that many prominent English-speaking and Russian-speaking economists in their scientific articles and monographs textually or allegorically use the terms “parables”, “fables”, “stories”, “stories”, “myths”, “saga”, and the like. Therefore, the term “tales” will organically complement this semantic range. The study of the construction of theory and models within the framework of economic theory and economic history in the 20th century revealed that the essence of the methodology of scientific research data (instrumentalism) is very close to the practice of inventing half-truth instructive stories, from which the proper conclusions should be made. Results. Post-modernization of the modern academic environment pluralization, can be used in the process of creative self-expression of economists and progress in the field of economic sciences.
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