Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1994-2540 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1956 (Online)


Управление предприятием малого бизнеса, проблемы и пути их решения

. Возрастание роли малого и среднего бизнеса в условиях агрессивного воздействия внешней среды неоспоримо. Эффективная деятельность малых предприятий позволяет создать дополнительные рабочие места, повысить уровень благосостояния населения, удовлетворить ежедневные потребно-сти общества. Поэтому исследование направлений обеспечения конкурен-тоспособности организации на основе повышения эффективности управле-ния имеет важное значение для науки и практики управления хозяйствую-щими субъектами. Теоретический анализ.

Scene Planning as Strategies of Keeping Economical Stability in Companies of Gas Brunch

In article is shown decisive role of scene planning as effective method of managing which direct to keeping economical stability in companies. Author considers not only positive moments but writes about restrictions specified method and ways of overcoming in gas brunch. 

Creation of the Estimated Control System Innovative and Investment Projects on the Basis of Imitating Modelling

Introduction. Transformational changes taking place in the global economy, demand better management of investment processes in the enterprise, advance planning of possible changes in the internal and external environment and timely adaptation to changing conditions in accordance with the objectives of the enterprise. Relevance of the problem considered in article is explained by it. Instruments of research.

Local Authorities’ Performance Assessment

Introduction. Socio-economic development of the regions depends mainly on the activities of the local self-government bodies and they have taken on managerial decisions. Methodology and results of study. As a result of scientific work has established a system of indicators, the use of which is essential in assessing the management effectiveness of the socio-economic development of municipalities.

To the Question of Assessing the Market Value of Companies in Modern Conditions

Introduction. During the existence and development of the stock market has undergone a number of changes, with the result that at present the dynamics of the real market value of the company in some cases different from the dynamics of the value of its shares. So the actual problem is the study of the reasons for the discrepancy between the expected value of the enterprise and the dynamics of its shares, hampering the inflow of investments into joint-stock companies via the exchange tools if used decision-making methods used in real investment.

Conceptual aspects of sustainable development of economic systems: Evolution of approaches and modern paradigm

Introduction. The relevance of scientific substantiation of approaches to sustainable development management is due to the need to take into account external changes and the development of conceptual provisions for the adaptation of economic systems. Theoretical analysis. The article summarizes the main approaches to the interpretation of the “sustainable development” concept.

Formation of Indicators Characterizing the Adaptive Properties of Logistics Systems

The article takes up the issues of the basic approaches to the formation of indicators of the level of adaptation of logistics systems. The concrete indicators of the level of adaptation, by which it becomes possible to analyze the degree of accordance of organizational structures of logistics systems and external environment, are proposed. Theoretical analysis.

Optimizing of Selection of Public Procurement Vendor Based on the Risk Management Methodology

Introduction. Under globalization, the current international political and economic relations, the Russian Federation is changing to a new state policy in the field of system modernization of public procurement. Theoretical analysis. The development of predominantly market-based mechanisms of regulation, liberalization of the economy along with degradation of the regulatory role of state governance structures lead to increased risks in public procurement.

Economic Mechanism of Managing the Regional Service Sector

The pace of development of the service sector needs the thorough study of the mechanisms of managing this particular segment of national economy. The authors of the article characterize the economic mechanism of managing service sector and describe the techniques and tools of management.

Client Equity for Innovation System in the Meso-level: Regional Aspect

In this paper the role and nature of client capital in the innovation systems in the context of the regional dimension of the problems of development of innovative processes in the meso-level view of the trend «customization». Theoretical approaches to the definition of customer capital, and highlights its features. The notion of client-defined, and the capital of the regional innovation system.
