Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1994-2540 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1956 (Online)


Institutional and technological factors in Russian industrial development

Introduction. This article is devoted to the consideration of methodological issues of the influence of technologies and institutions on the processes of technological development and structural modernization of the industrial complex, and also to the development of management tools aimed at supporting the technological development of industry based on the concept of the institutional-technological matrix of industrial policy. Theoretical analysis.

Food policy and economic security of the Russian agricultural sector: Institutional analysis experience

Introduction. The need to adapt agriculture to the conditions of a turbulent external environment requires an increase in the efficiency of state regulation. Solving this problem should be based on rethinking the theoretical and methodological base of the modern food policy effectiveness study from the point of view of institutional analysis. Theoretical analysis. An ordered set of formal and informal institutions constitutes the institutional structure of the agro-food complex.

The Network of Labour Market Institutions

Introduction. In modern conditions of development of economy, development, labour market acquires a different shape, apart from the development of possible types of labour market is not considered the development of the institutions of the virtual labour market. Theoretical analysis.

Methods for Measuring the Level of Social Capital in Russia and Abroad

Introduction. Category of «social capital» widely presents in foreign scientific journals. Russian science also explores this area of know- ledge. Intangibility and the existence in the form of social relations is one of the basic properties of social capital. The paper suggests several approaches to measuring the level of social capital based on the information in domestic and foreign sources. Empirical analysis.