For citation:
Pugachev I. O. World-system Approach to the Classification of the Models of Governmental Entrepreneurship. Journal Izvestiya of Saratov University. Economics. Management. Law, 2014, vol. 14, iss. 2, pp. 243-252. DOI: 10.18500/1994-2540-2014-14-2-1-243-252
World-system Approach to the Classification of the Models of Governmental Entrepreneurship
Introduction. Model governmental entrepreneurship due to historical conditions of development, geographical location and the national specificities of countries. Research methodology. Governmental enterprise plays a key role in the concept of world-system analysis. Model governmental enterprise entrepreneurship determines the place of the governmental in the economic system and is determined by the country’s position in the international division of labor along the axis: power-hegemon – center – semi-periphery – periphery. Results of the study. The European model of governmental entrepreneurship – the model of the center of world-system. It is based on the terms for the fair allocation of revenues between the governmental, business and households. The USA, as the leader of world economy is a model of of governmental entrepreneurship, based on revenue from domestic sources and external sources, putting a monetary operation of the rest of the country. The model of governmental entrepreneurship of the countries of the periphery supply of economic resources in the regions, higher hierarchy in the global division of labor. Intermediate place between the American model of governmental entrepreneurship and model periphery countries occupied by the semi-periphery, including the Russian model of economy. Conclusion. Russia remains a semi-peripheral country with an exceptionally strong influence on the economy of the governmental entrepreneurship.
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