Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Economics. Management. Law

ISSN 1994-2540 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1956 (Online)

For citation:

Ermasov S. V. The Regularity of Bisiness-angel Financing of Innovation: Theory and Practices. Journal Izvestiya of Saratov University. Economics. Management. Law, 2008, vol. 8, iss. 1, pp. 34-41.

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The Regularity of Bisiness-angel Financing of Innovation: Theory and Practices

Ermasov Sergey Viktorovich, Saratov State University

There is the theory of Angel Investor’s financing in foreign countries. The author explains the difference between venture capital and Angel Investor’s financing in Russia. The author analyzes Angel Investor’s financing in start-up period. He explains the main barrier for Angel Investor’s financing in Russia, in particular, in period of seed and startup period. In given clause the analysis of process of realization both financing innovation and investment activity of the Russian industrial enterprises is given with the purpose of development of rules of economic policy of active stimulation of investment process, coordination of efforts of the state and business in Angel Investor’s financing.

Key words: 
  1. См.: Бенджамин Джеральд А., Маргулис Д. Руководство для бизнес-ангелов: как получить прибыль, инвестируя в растущий бизнес / Пер. с англ. М., 2007. С. 24–25.
  2. См.: Каширин А.И., Семенов А.С. В поисках бизнесангела. Российский опыт привлечения стартовых инвестиций. М., 2008. С. 21–22.
  3. См.: Бенджамин Джеральд А., Маргулис Д. Указ. соч. С. 101–102.
  4. См.: Каширин А.И., Семенов А.С. Указ. соч. С. 24.
  5. Там же. С. 25–26.
  6. Там же. С. 26–27.
  7. См.: Бенджамин Джеральд А., Маргулис Д. Указ. соч. С. 41, 61–66.
  8. Там же. С. 123–137.
  9. См.: Каширин А.И., Семенов А.С. Указ. соч. С. 41.
  10. Там же. С.108–171.
  11. Там же. С. 159.
  12. Там же. С.70–71. 
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