For citation:
Lisyutkin A. B. The Nature of Non Jurisdictional Process: Logiko-gnoseological Aspect. Journal Izvestiya of Saratov University. Economics. Management. Law, 2015, vol. 15, iss. 2, pp. 211-220. DOI: 10.18500/1994-2540-2015-15-2-211-220
The Nature of Non Jurisdictional Process: Logiko-gnoseological Aspect
Introduction. The modern legal sphere is characterized by the destruction of binary structure based on the balance of two systems of social and economical development. This had in impact on the increasing role and importance of the non-jurisdictional process based on rationalism and functional structuralism. Theoretical analysis. The article deals with the relations between form of action, procedure, and legal process to profoundly understand the nature of the non-jurisdictional process. As a result we come to a conclusion that legal relations are a universal form of action, the structural elements of which are process and procedure. Russian legislation is analyzed on the subject of normative base of the non-jurisdictional process. One of the conclusions made in the article is that non-jurisdictional process consists of action of bearers of rights and duties to provide their legitimate interest by the consequent change of the stages or conditions, which reflect the relations of the will and interest. The article touches upon the specific features of the non-jurisdictional process: the absence of dispute about rights; the presence of not less than two concerned parties; legal order as a form of action of non-jurisdictional process; the freedom of will to provide legitimate interest; conscious and volitional nature of the non-jurisdictional process. In the article the types and subtypes of the non-jurisdictional process are described. Conclusion. The non-jurisdictional process is a specific behavioral model of the subject to protect their legitimate interests. The object of non-jurisdictional process is interest of parties or third parties, that encumbered with obligations. The non-jurisdictional doesn’t affect with interests of third parties.
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