For citation:
Tyurina V. Y., Ippolitova A. A. Technopark – Critical Infrastructure of National Innovation System. Journal Izvestiya of Saratov University. Economics. Management. Law, 2014, vol. 14, iss. 4, pp. 615-620. DOI: 10.18500/1994-2540-2014-14-4-615-620
Technopark – Critical Infrastructure of National Innovation System
Introduction. The idea of creation and development of technology parks in Russia is productive and timely because of its versatility. Technology parks – is an effective mechanism of formation and the generation of innovative enterprises. Theoretical analysis. Рarks, being the subjects of innovation infrastructure, create conditions favorable to the development of industrial enterprises of scientific and technical sphere only when the fitted experimental base and attract highly qualified personnel. The article discusses the features of the creation of technology parks in Russia, including university technology parks. Results. The author analyzes the experience and substantiate the direction of development of technology parks in Russia and Saratov region. Based on these studies identified the main stages in the development of technology parks at the meso level (for example, the Saratov region). The focus of the work is emphasized on the functional model of parks, which reveal their importance to the national innovation system. Conclusion. Technology parks are able to support innovators at all stages of the innovation process, thus they accumulate innovative potential of regions and form a national innovation system of the country.
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