For citation:
Kravec D. A. Procurement of the Constitutional Principle of Secret Ballot During Electronic Voting in the Russian Federation. Journal Izvestiya of Saratov University. Economics. Management. Law, 2014, vol. 14, iss. 4, pp. 675-684. DOI: 10.18500/1994-2540-2014-14-4-675-684
Procurement of the Constitutional Principle of Secret Ballot During Electronic Voting in the Russian Federation
Introduction. Intensive application of information technology in the electoral process is an inherent part of social development, and modernization of technical equipment for voting is an inherent part of development of the information society in Russia. The significant reform of the electoral process through the introduction of electronic voting has been going in the Russian Federation since 2000. Purpose. The main purpose consists in analyzing modern problems of procurement of the constitutional principle of secret ballot during the electronic voting in the Russian Federation and improvement of legal regulation in this sphere. Results. An acute issue of violation of the constitutional principle of secret ballot arises as far as the analysis of modern electoral processes is concerned. Nowadays modernization of technical equipment of stationary voting in accordance with the current needs of the information society does not lose its relevance. Applying remote voting as the basic method requires development of special secure software to prevent hackings. Conclusion. The author concludes that introduction of electronic voting and necessity of its technical procurement and legal regulation in order to comply with all the principles of the electoral process are very important.
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