For citation:
Burdanova A. S. Place of the Business Liberty in Constitutional Model of the Economy in Russia and Germany. Journal Izvestiya of Saratov University. Economics. Management. Law, 2014, vol. 14, iss. 1, pp. 115-118. DOI: 10.18500/1994-2540-2014-14-1-1-115-118
Place of the Business Liberty in Constitutional Model of the Economy in Russia and Germany
Introduction. The Particularity modern european constitution is connected with fastening active dug the state in economic relations. This is connected with that that model of the legal registration of the most important sides is thought-out on its essence Constitution to lifes of the separate person and society as a whole, she «forms the mechanism of the combination of national valuables and ideal with process, typical of modern civilization regardless of social as a whole, national or territorial frames, in which she develops» [1, p. 66]. Theoretical analysis. In persisting article within the framework of study of the place and dug the business liberty in constitutional model, her(its) influences upon process of state management economy were analysed corresponding to constitutional positions to Constitutions RF and Main Law FRG. Conclusion. State management economy depends on legal, economic, political and social system, mainly, mortgaged in Constitutions of the country. Amongst base principle «economic Constitution» in Russia and Germany special place occupies the business liberty, which is one of the main element social-oriented economy, constitutional base to stabilities and предсказуемости state economic management, allows to save the balance between social and economic rights and liberty.
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