For citation:
Karev D. A. Criteria for the Classification of Legal Principles: Substantive, Normative and Functional Approaches. Journal Izvestiya of Saratov University. Economics. Management. Law, 2018, vol. 18, iss. 3, pp. 357-361. DOI: 10.18500/1994-2540-2018-18-3-357-361
Criteria for the Classification of Legal Principles: Substantive, Normative and Functional Approaches
Introduction. In article various approaches to classification of the principles of the right from positions of constitutional and legal regulation are considered. Theoretical analysis. On the basis of the analysis of various points of view the author comes to a conclusion that use of subject, standard and functional criteria to classification of legal principles is possible. The first is the cornerstone of traditional classification of the principles of the right depending on the sphere of their action or distribution. The second represents attempt to differentiate legal principles depending on a source of their standard fixing. The author considers a question of validity of legal principles. The principles of the right in difference from norms – rules of conduct don’t assume a binary way of permission of the competition between them in favor of one of them. Possible collisions of legal principles are resolved on the basis of search of balance of various imperatives. Results. On the basis of stated in article differentiation of the principles of the right by function – system and tool is offered. The first are emerdzhentny characteristics of legal institutes, branches of the right and the system of the right in general (depending on their level) and make impact mainly on the system of the corresponding precepts of law (principle beginning). The second function in legal system as direct criteria of law-enforcement activity and act as determinants of such activity (the principles – rules of conduct).
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