For citation:
Anokhina A. A. Constitutional Legal Analysis of the Correlation and Interaction between the Terms and Concepts of «Sovereignty», «Independence» and «State Integrity». Journal Izvestiya of Saratov University. Economics. Management. Law, 2015, vol. 15, iss. 3, pp. 330-334. DOI: 10.18500/1994-2540-2015-15-3-330-334
Constitutional Legal Analysis of the Correlation and Interaction between the Terms and Concepts of «Sovereignty», «Independence» and «State Integrity»
Introduction. Sovereignty, independence and state integrity are crucial to the functioning of any state because they are directly linked to the maintenance of state security. However, it can be acknowledged that at the present time, despite the heightened interest in the abovementioned categories, the science of law and the Russian legal system lack a uniform and consistent approach to the interpretation of the terms «sovereignty», «independence» and «state integrity». Considering the importance of these conditions for the stable existence and sustainable growth of the state, it is necessary to address the question what the abovementioned categories are and how do they correlate and interact with each other and analyze these aspects in this paper. Methods. Basic theoretical methods and special methods were used to achieve the goals of this research paper. The methods include but are not limited to: analysis, synthesis, logical methods, dialectical methods, and systematic-structural methods. The use of the abovementioned methods was instrumental to the thorough research of the interdependent objects in interaction and the identification of separate elements of the researched categories, which, in turn, gave me the opportunity to draw the proper generalizations and conclusions. Results. In the course of the research, the author has come to the conclusion that the terms «sovereignty», «independence» and «state integrity» differ from each other. And yet these categories are inextricably linked and have certain elements in common. These categories influence each other, mutually changing each other. The loss of one category threatens the future existence and functioning of the other categories.
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