For citation:
Manokhina N. V., Mityaeva N. V. Capital forms multiplication. Journal Izvestiya of Saratov University. Economics. Management. Law, 2024, vol. 24, iss. 2, pp. 120-127. DOI: 10.18500/1994-2540-2024-24-2-120-127 , EDN: PASNEV
Capital forms multiplication
Introduction. Revealing the content of the capital forms multiplication process is significant for modern economic science in theoretical and applied aspects. The political and economic peculiarities of the study are to reveal the essence of capital as a benefit that generates income in various forms. Theoretical analysis. The authors’ point of view is an alternative to the generally accepted point of view on capital as a self-increasing value, as a certain social attitude based on the exploitation of wage labor, and the allocation of forms corresponding to the stages of its circulation as priority functional forms of capital. The authors introduce a new category into scientific circulation – capital forms multiplication. According to the authors’ interpretation, it is an objective process of constant generation of various new forms of manifestation and movement of capital. Empirical analysis. The authors’ approach allows us to single out such a property of capital as autopoiesis, understood as self-building, self-reproduction, self-regulation. The authors’ capital forms classification is presented, where, along with traditional forms of capital (cash, trade, etc.), new types of capital are highlighted and valorized – intellectual, knowledge, information, network, symbolic (image, brand). In recent years, the autopoiesis of capital has manifested itself in the multiplication of such forms as emotional and aesthetic capital. Results. The capital multiplication process is revealed on the basis of its many forms’ analysis, which tend to grow.
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