Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1994-2540 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1956 (Online)

теория соучастников

Features of the «Principal–Agent» Relations or «Insider Capitalism» in the Corporate Governance of the Russian Enterprises

The article is devoted features of relations of the principal – the agent in the Russian corporate governance. Privatization processes have generated corporate governance model in Russia, representing «insider capitalism» in which as it is possible to assume, the contradiction between proprietors and managers is reduced to a minimum.

Theoretic-Methodology Aspects of the Corporate Governance

The paper is about different view points of conception «corporate governance». There are several definition of the «corporate governance» category, of the different scientists. The author analyses it’s and propose fallowing methodology aspects of the corporate governance: strategic, lows, social, institutes, integral, value aspects and economics aspect.