Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1994-2540 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1956 (Online)


Purposes and Principals of Political Parties Activity in Sphere of Participation in Government

Introduction. The article is dedicated to actual problem of analyze of purposes and principals of political parties activity in sphere of participation in government. Purpos. Main point of article is to analyze juridical purposes of political parties activity and basic principals of political parties activity in Russia and to analyze of correlation purposes and principals. Results.

Principles of Limitation of Constitutional Rights under the Special Political and Legal Regime

Introduction. The article investigates the purposes and principles of the constitutional rights and freedoms of the limitations of citizens of the Republic of Iraq in emergency legal regimes. The author deals with the problems arising from the establishment and application restrictions. On the basis of the existing constitutional practice the necessity of leveling the negative consequences of the introduction and implementation of the legal regime of emergency by the state. Discussion.

The Basic Methods of the Control System of Preparation and Implementation of Strategic Decisions

The basic methods used at the stages of preparation, strategic decisionmaking, forecasting sales (prediction) of strategic decisions and the implementation phase of the strategy are considered.