Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1994-2540 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1956 (Online)


Analytical Overview of the Contents of Criminal Punishment the Example of the Arrest: Theses

Introduction. There is a theory according to which the criminal penalties content is determined by a system of restrictions and deprivation prescribed specific punishment, in our opinion, does not hold water.

Key Tasks and Activities of Military Justice in the Period of Martial Law in the Territory of Ukraine (1941–1942)

Given the current challenges and threats to national security, including armed conflicts near the borders of Ukraine, the study of the historical experience of the organization, regulation and activities of the military justice system with the onset of the special period of wartime became actual.

About Crime in the Sphere of Entrepreneurial Activity and Some of Measures for its Prevention

This article introduces criminological aspects of crime and the existence in the sphere of entrepreneurial activity and discusses some of the measures for its prevention.