Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1994-2540 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1956 (Online)

недвижимое имущество

Problems of Informing about the Recorded Entitlement to Real Property

The article deals with the latest problems of informing about the recorded entitlement to real property. The ways of solving these problems are suggested. The conclusion is made: it is necessary to work out the efficient informational and technical support of the system of rendering information in all Federal Registration Service departments.

Definition of Real Estate: Theory and Practice

Introduction. It would seem that the legislative definition of immovable property, enshrined in Art. 130 of the Civil Code, simple and clear. It legislator have criteria by which it can be identified and outlined a short list of real estate. However, you understand in more detail in theory, a lot of questions, and even in practice very often taken out different solutions. Theoretical analysis.

Real Estate. The History of the Concept

The paper examines the theoretical, legal and historical issues related to the definition in civil law concept of property. Discusses the various points of view and proposes a definition of real estate, making adjustments to existing legislation.