Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1994-2540 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1956 (Online)


National Features of Russian Idea of the Lawful State

In the article are analyzed national ideas of a lawful state in doctrines of pre-revolutionary Russian scientists – jurists. It is a question of necessity of historical continuity at creation of this social institute in modern Russia. Ideas which have not lost the importance are considered.

Moral Component of Economic Consciousness and its Role in New Industrialization of Russia

Introduction. The maintenance of national security and the implementation of a strategic course for innovative development in conditions of economic sanctions by the Western countries and the need to raise the issue of new industrialization of import substitution (reindustializacii). Implementation of the strategy requires action on the reindustrialization of the financial resources of the innovation process, affecting the economic interests of the subjects, moral norms and the principles of economic consciousness. Methods.