Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1994-2540 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1956 (Online)


National Facilities (Economy) as Object of Economic Development

In the article idea about system of a National Economy and her general and especial properties are discused. Also definition of the moving forses and trends of economic development is given its basic types are characterized. It is established, that moving forses and trends of economic development of a National Economy is characterized by non-uniformity, impulsiveness and discontinuty.

Principles of Levelling of Negative Consequences of Influence of Risks on Efficiency of Projects of Corporate Merges and Absorption

Introduction. Risk management of merges and absorption possibly through impact on the system generating them. It caused need of research of properties of space of corporate integration as a complicated open system for formation of understanding about the nature of these risks, a choice of the effective instrument of management of them for the purpose of stimulation of efficiency of strategic corporate integration.