Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1994-2540 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1956 (Online)


The impact of global climate change on the sustainable development of socio-economic systems

Introduction. The relevance of this study is due to the growing influence of the global climate change consequences on the development of countries’ economies and the population’s life quality. Finding an effective response to the climate challenge requires determining the place of the problem of climate change and its consequences among other global challenges and clarifying the significance of climate change for the sustainable development of socio-economic systems. Methods.

Место глобального изменения климата в системе внешних вызовов и угроз

Введение. Актуальность настоящего исследования обусловлена нарастающим влиянием последствий глобального изменения климата на развитие экономик стран и качество жизни населения. Поиск эффективного ответа на климатический вызов требует определения места проблемы климатических изменений и их последствий в ряду других глобальных вызовов и выяснения значимости климатических изменений для устойчивого развития социально-экономических систем. Методология исследования.

Issues of the Vocational Education on Railway Transport

Introduction. Nowadays the problem of internal staff training is ever more actualized. Market conditions make the highest demands on the process of learning both rank-and-file workers and managers. Theoretical analysis. This article describes the problems of personnel training in a reindustrialization, caused by the formation of a new technological system. Characteristic features of these issues make additional demands to system of an intra firm vocational education. Research methodology.

Formation of Indicators Characterizing the Adaptive Properties of Logistics Systems

The article takes up the issues of the basic approaches to the formation of indicators of the level of adaptation of logistics systems. The concrete indicators of the level of adaptation, by which it becomes possible to analyze the degree of accordance of organizational structures of logistics systems and external environment, are proposed. Theoretical analysis.