Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1994-2540 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1956 (Online)

economic growth

Russian mobilization economy growth limits

Introduction. The article deals with the problems of constraints on the Russian mobilization economy growth. The current state of Russian economy is characterized by an increasing share of the military-industrial complex in its structure. There is a tendency towards an increase in the production of weapons and corresponding structural shifts in the economy. Theoretical analysis. Production, labor (demographic), logistics, monetary, and export-import components are identified as thresholds for the growth of Russian mobilization economy.

The Economic Model for the Impact of Bank Lending on Long-Term Growth Rate

The trends of globalization and the recent financial crisis have drawn attention to the importance of banking credit and its impact on economic growth. In this context, the role of commercial banking lending companies in the economic growth of the Russian Federation comes into focus, particularly the issue of the causal relationship between commercial banking credit and economic growth.

Methodological Aspects of Economic Development Indices Big Cycles

There methodological questions of the Kondratiev’s cycles study are discussed in the article. Quantity and quality indicators analysis of the cycle dynamics are presented in this text. Endogenous and exogenous factors influence is accounted. All empirical issues of the different authors classified from methodologies and direction specify. It is pointed out to necessity of the indicators elect criteria’s correction for the complex illustration of Russian economy

Vertical Integration as a Necessary Condition of the Economic Growth in Russia

The article sums up the essential features of the vertical integration as one of the effective forms of organizing the national economy. The objective necessity of the purposeful development of the vertical integration benefits aimed to further integration of demand and stimulation of the competitive production manufacture. In the author’s view, only this strategy can bring serious social and economic results and lead to the economic growth.

Appoaches to the Development of Commodity Sector Russia

Introduction. Problematic issues of economic growth based on the development of the commodity sector are relevant for Russia due to the fact that the added value of primary industry generates significant share of gross domestic product. Economic development of the country at all levels of government depends on the competitive advantages of the industrial complex and primarily raw materials sector. Theoretical analysis.

The Question of How Endogenous Growth Conditions and Criteria Modernization

Introduction. Food security in Russia, increasing the competitiveness of the Russian economy on the world market is now becoming a driver of economic growth. Theoretical analysis. The article analyzes the theories of economic growth. Formulated conditions, factors and assumptions of technological modernization of the economy. The principles of the impact on ekonomiku- 5I. Discussion of results. In the framework of the theory of endogenous growth models and existing approaches are organized into groups.

Dynamics of Labour Productivity: Calculation and Specialities in the Regions

Introduction.Improvement of competitive positions of Russian economy is impossible without an increase in labour productivity. A productivity development at the level of country, region, cluster, enterprise, manufacture or section is meant to be an increase in efficiency of production factors utilisation, or resources being used. Theoretical analysis. The article is devoted to analysis of public labour efficiency specifics in Russia. The essence and forming factors of labour efficiency were demonstrated at macrolevel. Research approach.
