For citation:
Konstantinov I. B. Financial Literacy of the Russian Population: the Problem Field and Conceptual Model. Journal Izvestiya of Saratov University. Economics. Management. Law, 2017, vol. 17, iss. 1, pp. 11-17. DOI: 10.18500/1994-2540-2017-17-1-11-17
Financial Literacy of the Russian Population: the Problem Field and Conceptual Model
Introduction. The development process of improving financial literacy is natural, since an adequate level of financial literacy contributes to the improvement of living standards, the financial security of citizens, economic development and improve social welfare. To date, the search for methods of integrated assessment of financial literacy and mechanisms of its increase. Theoretical analysis. The basis of the methodology for assessing the financial literacy of the population should be properly chosen system of indicators that allows to use the tools of psychological and economic studies aimed at identifying the group of simple and synthetic indicators of financial literacy (competence) and advance forecast (evaluation of the expectations of their dynamics) by financial institutions and persons decision-makers. Empirical analysis. Analysis of financial literacy content it possible to identify the constituent elements (abilities, skills, understanding, competence, knowledge, and motivation), which can be determined empirically by testing. Results. The proposed method allows a better understanding of what the current level of financial literacy of Russians in any socio-demographic groups, or how it is today, there are problems competencies to better financial literacy program to target populations.
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