Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Economics. Management. Law

ISSN 1994-2540 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1956 (Online)

For citation:

Vasilieva L. E. Political Activity of Women in the USSR in Post-war Years (on materials of the Saratov Area). Journal Izvestiya of Saratov University. Economics. Management. Law, 2008, vol. 8, iss. 2, pp. 60-63.

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34-055.2 (470.440) (09)

Political Activity of Women in the USSR in Post-war Years (on materials of the Saratov Area)

Vasilieva Larisa E., Saratov State University

In clause process of participation of women during the considered{examined} period in a political life of the country and the Saratov area is shown. However it is marked, that the high educational level of women influenced their their representation in party bodies a little. In post-war years many decisions have been issued, instructions on promotion of women for work in the party, Soviet, trade-union bodies, however the insufficient control over their performance, mistrust to abilities of women on the part of men - heads resulted in ignoring these decisions owing to what women was a little on supervising posts, same their imperous powers remained only nominal.

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  6. Там же. Оп. 2, д. 462, л. 62, 63, 65.
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  9. См.: Книжка партийного активиста. М., 1978. С. 44.
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  16. См.: ЦДНИСО, ф. 594, оп. 2, д. 2887, л. 87–88, 89–91.
  17. См.: Там же. д. 2626.76.
  18. См.: Там же. д. 3182, л. 70–71; д. 3184, л. 55–56; д. 2225, л. 23.
  19. Там же. оп. 2, д. 1698, л. 24.
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  21. ЦДНИСО, ф. 594, оп. 2, д. 1698, л. 24, 30.
  22. См.: Там же. д. 2165, л. 16–17.
  23.  См.: Там же. оп. 2, д. 416, л. 119; д. 84, л. 85.
  24. См.: Там же. д. 1034, л. 31, 113.
  25. См.: Там же. Д. 3255, л. 211.
  26. См.: Там же. Д. 3182, л.31–32.
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