Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1994-2540 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1956 (Online)

public authority

Trends and prospects for the development of legal regulation of organization and activities of public councils as the subjects of the public control in the Russian Federation

Introduction. The issues of determining the legal status and organizational aspects of the activities of public councils as the subjects of public control represent one of the most pressing areas for the development of scientific knowledge in the field of functioning of civil society institutions. Theoretical analysis.

Theoretical and methodological analysis of the legal nature of public control

Introduction. In modern legal science, there is no universal and uniform approach to defining the concept of “public control”, which predetermines and actualizes the need for a detailed study of the legal nature of this phenomenon, its content and the functions that it performs in the state and society. Theoretical analysis. The analysis of doctrinal approaches to disclosing the content of public control, formed in the system of legal science, allows us to draw a conclusion about a differentiated definition of this phenomenon.

Digital divide in the local government system: Concept, criteria, ways to overcome it

Introduction. Since the end of the 20th and beginning of the 21st centuries, all areas of social management, including public management, have been seriously influenced by modern digital technologies, which, on the one hand, create new opportunities to increase the efficiency of management activities; on the other hand, they pose certain risks, potentially provoking digital inequality. The article presents an analysis of the prerequisites and causes of digital inequality in municipalities.

The System of Russian Legislation: a Three-level Vertical Subordination

Introduction. The article is devoted to the study of structure of system of the modern Russian legislation, which reflected the principles of organization and activity of public authority in Russia, including the principle of federalism, the analysis of the actual structure of the legal system. Purpose. The main objective of this manuscript is to design the structure of the modern Russian legislation on the basis of theoretical ideas about it, and also taking into account the principles of the organization of public power. Results.