Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1994-2540 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1956 (Online)


Modern Problems of Presentation for the Identification Anol Ways to Solve them

Objects, kinds and varieties of presentation for the identification are specified basing on the analysis of directing criminalists judgment. The significant attention is given to scantily explored problems of tactics of presentation for the identification, excluding visual observation of identifying person by the identifying person. The tactical methods are stated that allow to optimize realization of the present variety of presentation for the identification. Ways to solve modern problems of presentation for the identification.

Processing of Digital Images of Traces on Bullets for Automatic Identification of Firearms

Introduction. Identification of firearms by traces on the shot bullets is one of the most difficult tasks in the forensic ballistic examination. This is because the individual characteristics of weapons that appear on shot bullets have a high degree of variability. The currently used methods of automatic identification of firearms are ineffective when analysis is carried out on electronic bullet repository which includes tens of thousands of similar objects. Methods.

To the Question of the Formation of the Gilzoteks of Smoothbore Firearms Service and Hunting Weapons

Introduction. The legislation of the Russian Federation does not provide for the test shooting of smooth-bore weapons by law enforcement agencies. There are no catridge-cases repository of smoothbore weapons because of low criminalistic information, which, in turn, makes it difficult to investigate crimes committed using this type of firearm. The report considers the possibility of introducing catridge-cases repository of registered smooth-bore weapons. Conceptual possibilities for implementing this solution are described. Theoretical analysis.

Mathematical Methods and Instrumental Means of Industrial Identification of Enterprises and Organizations by Economic Activities

Introduction. The task of sectoral identification of enterprises and organizations by type of economic activity is considered, which is understood as the following – to determine its main type of activity and industry affiliation according to the balance sheet or other financial statements of an enterprise. Theoretical analysis.

Identification of Firearms Laser Marks of the Barrel Bore

The paper considers the possibility of using laser marking to identify the bore arms on the traces on fired bullets. The analysis of modes of laser processing of a trunk at which traces on the shot bullet can be recognized by suitable to identification, is executed on the basis of the spent experiments.

Possibility of Farearm Identification on Fired Bullets Traces after Thermal Influence

The experimental research of influence of thermal heating of a bullet on traces of cut fire-arms on its surface is spent. Influence of heating of a bullet on process of identification of the weapon is defined.

Problems of the Firearm Identification

This paper investigates the problem of identification of weapons in the traces of the firing pin on the primer with the marks of the production mechanisms, which were formed during the manufacture of ammunition. The studies used cartridges manufactured in Russia 9 Ч 19 mm with marking LVE LUGER.

Weapon Identification on Traces on the Deformed Bullets

n work classification of the basic types of deformations of the bullets caused by blow about a strong barrier is considered. Deformations at which traces on the shot bullets can be recognized restrictedly by suitable to identification are defined. The algorithm of comparative research of traces on the deformed bullets is offered at weapon identification.