Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1994-2540 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1956 (Online)

digital images

The Concept of Mathematical Model of the Assessment of Uniqueness of Sets of Coinciding Routes in Secondary Traces on the Shot Bullets

Introduction. The model of an assessment of probability of casual combination of sets of routes in secondary traces is considered in article. Development of quantitative criteria of justification of a categorical positive conclusion about criminalistic identity of the compared traces, and also algorithm of formation in the automatic mode of the priority list is the purpose of the conducted research. Theoretical part.

The Comparison of Digital Images of Firing Pin with a Dominant Features in the Form of Circles and Arcs

Introduction. Development of the algorithms for the automatic comparison of the digital images of firing pin is an important task of the forensic examination. This task is aimed at improving the efficiency of crime investigation involving the use of firearms. In this paper images of firing pin with the features in the form of circles and arcs with single center are investigated.

Classifi cation of fi ring pin marks images by weapon specimens using a fully-connected neural network

Introduction. The aim of the work is to increase the effi ciency of identifi cation of fi rearms by images of fi ring pin marks in the automatic mode. The relevance of the task is determined by the low effi ciency of the known methods of automatic identifi cation of fi rearm by the fi ring pin marks with individual topological types of individualizing features. This aff ects the investigation of crimes related to the use of fi rearms. Formation of clone images.

Methods for Recognition of Weapons of Preliminary Work up Digital Images of Traces on Bullets and Cartridge Cases

In paper investigated methods to improve the quality of digital images of the firing pin traces and traces on fired bullets. Methods of comparison of firing pin traces by means of Euler’s characteristics and methods of comparison of traces on fired bullets by means of the correlation analysis have been considered. Analyzed the firing pin marks on the image cartridges, shot in the Makarov pistol and Colt mod. 1911, as well as marks on the bullets, shot from a Makarov pistol.