Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1994-2540 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1956 (Online)


Methods and Forms of Investment Innovation at the Meso Level

Introduction. The urgent need for the formation of national innovative system of the Russian Federation actualizes the problem of building innovative systems of meso-economic level, the solution is impossible without determining the most effective forms and methods of investing in the innovative development of the regions, bringing the required volumes of investment resources at the right time. For this it is necessary to accurately determine the terminology, to reveal the economic substance of the studied concepts to conduct data classification.

Conceptual approach to the classification and certification of robots and complex automated information systems

Introduction. The development and spread of robots, artificial intelligence systems and complex automated information systems are associated with the problem of causing harm by their decisions and actions, as well as the problem of legal liability for this harm. Theoretical analysis. One of the main functions of legal liability is general and private prevention. When applied to robots, it requires them to be reprogrammed, retrained, or eliminated.