Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1994-2540 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1956 (Online)


Marketing Strategy as a Factor of Transfers and Commercialization of Technologies

Introduction. The relevance of the problem of the transfer of intellectual property is determined by the feature of the present stage of scientific and technical progress. Under the technology transfer involve the transfer (sale, exchange) of knowledge in order to organ ize the production of competitive products conforming to market needs. Marketing support innovation enterprise is a basic condition for the successful implementation of intellectual property.

Economic Aspects of Damage Determination from Agricultural Lands Non-targeted Use

Introduction. The article deals with the problem of agricultural land non-targeted use and the damage determination. The purpose of research – to improve the calculating methods of the damage value caused by agricultural land inappropriate use.

Approaches to the Methodology for Assessing the Contribution of the University in the Innovative Development of the Region

Introduction. Strengthening the role of universities in regional development is determined by the relevance of the studies to identify the direction of the impact of the university on the region, as well as to assess how effective are the results of the impact of regional development. Theoretical analysis. To identify and assess the role of universities in regional development in the foreign studies used different models to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the contribution of universities to social and economic dev

Investment Portfolio Risk Assessment on the Basis of Hierarchical Model

Introduction. Efficiency of investments is an important factor at the micro- and macroanalysis of economy, investment in venture capital depends on the development of firms, regions, States. Especially actual this problem for portfolio investment.

External Environment as a Source of Threat for Ecological and Economic Industrial Enterprises Safety

Introduction. The effective use of industrial capacity is the important condition for the national economy sustainable development. Manufacturing organizations can provide their own ecological and economic security only when they take into account the impact of environment objective factors on their activities.

Development of Monitoring Tools of Quality of Education for the Third Age

Introduction. The development of educational programs for the third age allows increasing social activity of older people, improving their psycho-physiological condition, increasing physical activity, as well as the level of education for their integration into modern society. Considering that the contingent of students in the education centers of the third age has a rich experience of life, and age-specific changes in health status, it is important to organize a high level of quality of education, select teaching staff in order to im

Formation and Development of Innovative Systems of the EAEC Clustering Based Economy

Introduction. In modern conditions, determine the dynamics of innovation for economic growth and the place that occupied the country and the various unions in the global community.

On Improvement of Taxation of Small and Medium Business

Introduction. The socio-economic situation in the country is largely dependent on the level of development of small and medium-sized businesses.

Research of Formation and Use of the Municipal Budget Ufa

Introduction. In the current crisis conditions decline in growth receipt of incomes to local budgets is felt stronger in comparison with the previous year. In relation to this fact it is necessary to mobilise all reserves for local budget extension. Local budgets are one of Russian consolidated budget elements. Nowadays in Russian Federation the role of local government authorities is increasing in economic and cultural construction.

Cognitive Modeling the Impact of a Regional System of Higher Education in the Innovative Development of the Region

Introduction. To find the most effective management tools for interaction of regional higher education and regional innovation system to analyze their mutual influence through cognitive analysis. Theoretical analysis. To assess the role of regional institutions of higher education in regional development in the foreign studies used different models to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the contribution of universities to social and economic innovative development of the region. Empirical analysis.
