Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1994-2540 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1956 (Online)


Peter I and the Creation of the Concept of «Schools Service to the State»

XVIII century laid the foundations of Russia’s education, which was based on European-ical culture and science, while much ahead in the field of education pat-riarhalnuyu Russia.In the era of Peter the public service wore a centralized structed nature and uniformity throughout the country, so the opening of new schools gradually began to take in the conduct of the state.It was vyzva, but especially acute need for the state in literacy, knowledgeable officials.

G.G. Telberg – the First Dean of a Faculty of Law of the Saratov University (1918)

Clause is devoted short, but to the bright and sated period of activity on a post of the dean of the known lawyer, the jurist and politician G.G. Telberg – one of the first heads of the faculty of law founded in structure of the Saratov Imperial Nikolaev University on July, 1st, 1917 under the decision of Temporary government.

Legal regulation of the integration of the EAEU digital space

Introduction. In the whole world, all countries are involved to varying degrees in the process of digital transformation of the national economy. There is a global trend towards the use of the processes based on digital solutions. In addition, there are significant opportunities for the emergence of integration processes. Digital integration has an impact on international cooperation. The economic integration of countries becomes impossible without the digitalization of economic systems, legal frameworks, and technologies.

Historical memory as a category of constitutional law

Introduction. Historical memory is an integral part of national identity and defines the core values and principles of life in society.

Legal procedure of search, seizure and confiscation of criminal assets as a type of international criminal cooperation in the Republic of Ireland

Introduction. Hodiernal circumstances in the world underline the sparkling growth of organized crime activity. Getting criminal assets is meant to be one the threats that demand rapid response and cooperation of law enforcement bodies and other relevant authorities and officials all over the world. Criminal Assets Bureau is deemed to be such an authority that is entitled to exercise such activity in the Republic of Ireland. Theoretical analysis. Criminal Assets Bureau is authorized to search, freeze and confiscate proceeds of crime.

Problems of the use of presumption in establishing paternity

Introduction. Current Russian legislation regulates the procedure for establishing a legal connection between a born child and his or her father, however, in practice, problems with applying the presumption arise when establishing paternity. The problem is caused by the fact that it is the marital relationship of the child’s parents that establishes paternity, and not any biological relationship between the child and the father. In the context of family law, perhaps the most significant legal presumption is the presumption of paternity.

The influence of urbanization on the development of modern state and law

Introduction. Currently, most of the world’s population lives in cities, megacities, and urban agglomerations, since they are the core of progress and create the conditions for comprehensive human development. Theoretical analysis. A study of the history of the development of cities, urbanized and suburbanized structures shows that this particular form of human settlement is the most attractive in modern developed countries.

The history of formation and development of the institution of election observers in Russia

Introduction. Elections are one of the most massive social and political processes in the state. Elections in the state, the mechanism of their organization and conduct are subject to the fundamental principles of electoral law, which are based on publicity and openness of all electoral actions and procedures. Ensuring the transparency of elections is an indicator of the mechanism of interaction between society and the state, as an indicator of democratic development.

Transcendental foundations of law in A. V. Polyakov’s communicative theory of law: Legal recognition

Introduction. The communicative theory of law put forward in the first years of the XXI century by A. V. Polyakov received further development in the next decade due to the substantiation of the metatheoretical foundation of this theory in the doctrine of legal recognition as the transcendental basis of law. The idea of objectifi cation of law through recognition proposed by A. V. Polyakov becomes the basis of a new humanistic understanding of law, which asserts the key character of trust in legal genesis. Theoretical analysis.

Digital divide in the local government system: Concept, criteria, ways to overcome it

Introduction. Since the end of the 20th and beginning of the 21st centuries, all areas of social management, including public management, have been seriously influenced by modern digital technologies, which, on the one hand, create new opportunities to increase the efficiency of management activities; on the other hand, they pose certain risks, potentially provoking digital inequality. The article presents an analysis of the prerequisites and causes of digital inequality in municipalities.
