Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Economics. Management. Law

ISSN 1994-2540 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1956 (Online)

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Global Informatization as the Content and Means of Realization of External Functions of the State

Tumanov S. N., Saratov State Law Academy

Introduction. A significant part of the research phenomena of social life, including the state-legal sphere, contains an appeal to the effects of globalization processes on the course of their development, determining positive effects, as well as the conditions and means of minimizing negative effects. Informatization, being global in nature condition for the functioning of modern society, has an impact on the scope of implementation of the external functions of the state both within the country and in the international arena. The article suggests consideration of Informatization in relation to the mechanism of external functions of the state. Theoretical analysis. Consideration of global information in connection with the implementation of the main directions of state activities in the international arena is based on the General doctrine of functions of the state, about state power, about the means of exercise of public authority and on the basic rules and principles of scientific research. Empirical analysis. An important part of the proposed study took the analysis of the current legislation, as well as doctrinal documents of legal nature in which the value of Informatization for the management of modern processes, to formulate the priorities of implementation of state policy in the sphere of Informatization. Results. As a result, the author works on the analysis of the impact of Informatization processes on the mechanism of action of implementation of the external functions of the state is the hypothesis of multi-vector their influence on the mechanism and on the possibility of consideration of Informatization in relation to external functions.

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