Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1994-2540 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1956 (Online)


Digital divide in the local government system: Concept, criteria, ways to overcome it

Introduction. Since the end of the 20th and beginning of the 21st centuries, all areas of social management, including public management, have been seriously influenced by modern digital technologies, which, on the one hand, create new opportunities to increase the efficiency of management activities; on the other hand, they pose certain risks, potentially provoking digital inequality. The article presents an analysis of the prerequisites and causes of digital inequality in municipalities.

The Rating Method of Complex Socio-Economic Development of Municipalities in Russian Regions

Introduction. Municipalities of the Russian Federation as well as Russian regions face the socio-economic development inequality at present. The study of the socio-economic situation at the level of municipalities and the complex socio-economic development rating estimation meets the needs of local governments. Theoretical analysis. The complex municipal socio-economic development rating method has been developed in the research at comparison of the main approaches to socio-economic territories’ ratings.