Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1994-2540 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1956 (Online)


Transformation Social-economic Maintenance of Consumption in the Information Economy

The article is devoted to the reproduction, information, innovative approaches to transformation of social-economic content consumption From these positions are investigated changes in the role, structure, functions of consumption, its subjects and objects, forms of implementation and results, taking place under the influence of informatization and globalization of society and the economy.

Formation of the Innovative Business Environment in the Russian Federation

Article is devoted features of formation of an innovative business environment in the Russian conditions. The innovative business environment is, now, at a formation stage, therefore practically there is not is innovative-active population, stimulation of innovators to business, businessmen to active introduction of innovations in manufacture, the mechanism of a birth of innovations, their conclusion to the market and introductions in manufacture.

Features оf Innovative Activity in the Investment Sphere

In article features of the organization of innovative activity of investment institutes are considered. The last, to some extent enter into an investment component of innovative infrastructure (IСII) and are thus urged to solve the most important problem of ensuring innovative development at various levels financial resources. At the same time subjects of IСII need innovative development that in turn dema nds identification and the description of features innovative деятельности in the investment sphere.

Perfection of the Russian Mechanical Engineering Technologies

In this article the concept, signs and laws of development of technical systems is considered. The special attention is given organizational and structural character of machine-building manufacture. Necessity of use of flexible industrial systems at the russian enterprises of mechanical engineering is proved.

Technological Modernization as a Driver of Development of the Russian Federation

The article deals with the pressing economic problems, macroeconomic conditions and controls that ensure the dynamic development of a national industrial and technological modernization of the economy the Russian Federation.

Рublic‑Private Partnership as the Important of Innovative Development of the Russian Economy

In article necessity of effective partnership of the state and private business in the conditions of formation of the Russian innovative sys‑ tem is considered. Its perspective directions in construction of socially focused market economy of innovative type are revealed.

Innovative Activity аs Legal Institution

In article modern problems of legal regulation of innovative activity in the Russian Federation are considered. The author proves the position according to which there are all necessary theoretical preconditions considering innovative activity as interbranch institution of the Russian law.

Economical Aspects of Innovative System Development at Mezolevel

The present article analyzes the systematic approach to the innovative activities organization. The special attention is paid to the development of regional innovative system.
