Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Economics. Management. Law

ISSN 1994-2540 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1956 (Online)

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Conceptual aspects of sustainable development of economic systems: Evolution of approaches and modern paradigm

Kadomtseva Marina Ye., Institute of Agrarian Problems of RAS

Introduction. The relevance of scientific substantiation of approaches to sustainable development management is due to the need to take into account external changes and the development of conceptual provisions for the adaptation of economic systems. Theoretical analysis. The article summarizes the main approaches to the interpretation of the “sustainable development” concept. The evolution of economic thought and the historical transformation of views towards the study of sustainable development concerning various objects are considered. The scientific approaches and studies of leading foreign and domestic scientists are presented, which constituted the theoretical and methodological basis of the sustainable development concept. The essence of the category “sustainability of development” concerning economic systems is revealed. Empirical analysis. The economic, social and environmental substantiation of the sustainable development concept is given. The external and internal factors influencing the stability of economic systems are investigated. The stability of the system is considered through the prism of such interrelated system characteristics as controllability and adaptability. Results. The relevance of the application of an integrated approach to the study of the triad “society – economy – ecology” is shown. It is substantiated that the synergy of the main provisions of economic theory, conceptual principles of sustainable development, system analysis of the countries’ development determinants in the context of new global challenges and threats should underlie the strategic provision of sustainable development in the long term.

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