Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1994-2540 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1956 (Online)

regional economics

Factors Influencing the Innovation Activity of Organizations

Introduction. The interest in measuring of regional innovation capacity and impact of innovation can be attributed to external factors and as a result of active inclusion of the Russian Federation in the global economic system. When the Russian Federation integrates into the world economic system, there is the task is not only to compare the subjects of the Russian Federation on the level innovative activity among themselves but also to determine the best experience on regional level in Russia.

System Approach to the Professional Orientation in Region

The professional orientation of the population (POP) is considered as one of the key factors in the formation of a civilized labor market, maintenance of a rational employment, creating conditions for improving the quality of working life for able-bodied citizens. The article raises a problem of the assessing quality of the realization of this system at the regional level. Theoretical analisis. selection of a systematic approach for the analysis follows from the name of the system.