Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Economics. Management. Law

ISSN 1994-2540 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1956 (Online)

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The Role of the Economy in Human Capacity-Building

Gorchakova Nataliya S., Saratov State University

Introduction. Human capacity is the main wealth of any social system. Public health is an economic resource and an important component of human capacity. Public health status, investing in health, demand for health capital determine competitiveness of labor force and economic development as a whole, as well as a particular branch – the health economy. Theoretical analysis. Considering health as a qualitive characteristic of the labor force, the impact of health on economic and social development of society and possible economic loss as a result of health-loss, both at the level of economy as a whole and at the level of an individual enterprise and individual, were examined. Empirical analysis. Based on statistical data, the share of health care expenditures in GDP and the assessment of GDP losses due to loss of health were analyzed. The task of forming the criteria of a health resource for the possibility of increasing human potential is formulated. The need for the maximum possible preservation of health with the available resources of nature and the economy is determined. Results. Based on theoretical analysis and statistical data, an assumption of the role of health as a driving force for economic growth, one of the most valuable economic resources, an important part of human capacity is formulated.

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