Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Economics. Management. Law

ISSN 1994-2540 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1956 (Online)

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Ideological neutrality and the principle of a secular state in the light of the amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation in 2020

Tumeneva Nataliya Vladimirovna, Saratov State University

Introduction. The existence and development of any society is impossible without its spiritual component, which is closely connected with religion, religious values and ideals in Russia. Despite the fact that in the secular Russian state, the official government remains ideologically neutral to all religions, religious denominations and religious organizations, the state and the Church are converging in the socio-cultural space. Theoretical analysis. The interaction between the state and religious organizations is not distorted and does not diminish the importance of the prinicples of the constitutional order bases – a secular state and ideological neutrality of the state, because the interaction has nothing to do with the implementation of state and religious power, does not affect the implementation of the functions and tasks of the state and the Church. Empirical analysis. For the first time, the Constitution of the Russian Federation, through the amendments made in 2020, enshrined religious values and ideals, faith in God as the spiritual and moral foundations of the historical development of the multinational people of Russia. This became possible due to the expansion of the interpretation of the categories of “ideological neutrality” and “secular nature of the state”. Results. The content of the principle of the secular state and its ideological neutrality is based on the religious presence in the public legal sphere.

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